News archive

Date News item
22 UBC cities continued disclosure to CDP in 2021
Tallinn is the European Green Capital of 2023!
Increasing local level resilience in the Baltic Sea Region
Turku published a model for joint cooperation and development for the port area
CDP Response Check applications to be submitted before 25 June!
BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Örebro
Good things come to those who wait – multimodal mobility points opened in Vilnius!
Renewal of the UBC Sustainability Action Programme – new ways of cooperation for 2022-2030
Policy recommendations for implementing the integrated stormwater management
Greifswald: a model city for sustainable education and mobility
Sustainable and Green Cities: Rostock Webinars Primary tabs
Kiel on its way to become a Zero.Waste.City
Green and sustainable Kemi - now for Companies
Join the Q&A Live to ask about CDP cooperation and disclosure 2021!
HUPMOBILE project encourages UBC cities to give feedback!
Likable solutions for sponge cities
Feasibility Study on last mile solutions' - read the latest HUPMOBILE report
Plastics and the hidden threat to your health
UBC TALKS discussed the cascading consequences of climate hazards and how to make cities more resilient
CDP Spring Webinars kick off in April