Kemi – City of Snowman

Kemi – City of Snowman

Snowmen in Kemi

Kemi is a perfect home for the Snowman – we have proper winters and during the summertime the Snowman can rest in the all-year-round Snowcastle – Snowexperience365. We have in progress a project to promote the Snowman's message – Kemi – the City of Snowman, execution time is 1.8.2023-31.3.2024. This project is funded by the regional council of Lapland.

The aim of this project is to raise the Snowman in the position it has deserved – to be one figurehead for the whole Lapland’s tourism and naturally one figurehead for the City of Kemi. Another purpose is to increase the Snowman’s recognition in Finland and internationally, which will be done in co-operation with the City of Kemi, local companies and operators.

And speaking of co-operation with companies, city of Kemi provides an Environmental Handbook for companies to fill in with their own information. When filled, the company has documented its environmental system which can be useful in advertising and dealing with customers and financiers. Handbook was implemented in “Green and Sustainable Kemi for companies” project – financed by European Regional Development Fund / ELY Centre and it is loadable in – Vihreä Kemi.

Information in Environmental Handbooks reminds us that in addition to Snowman’s cheerful presence it also highlights the importance of fighting against climate change. Otherwise, Snowman can’t live even in Kemi in the future. We must Save Our Snowman!


Written by: Eija Kinnunen, Head of Sustainable Development, City of Kemi