
Project summary list

UBC SCC Secretariat has prepared the first Annual report summarising the activities of the Commission throughout the year 2022. It is the first report of its kind and will be further used to follow on the progress of the implementation of the UBC Sustainability Action Programme 2022–2030.
Type: Publication
A series of guides were published with the second edition of the EU SUMP Guidelines. They provide in-depth planning recommendations on crucial SUMP topics, provide guidance for specific contexts, and focus on important policy fields. CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project authored or co-authored several of the publications. One of them is the SUMP topic guide: Funding and Finance of Sustainable Urban Mobility…
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
A series of guides were published with the second edition of the EU SUMP Guidelines. They provide in-depth planning recommendations on crucial SUMP topics, provide guidance for specific contexts, and focus on important policy fields. CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project authored or co-authored several of the publications. One of them is the SUMP topic guide: Public Procurement of Sustainable Urban Mobility…
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
A series of guides were published with the second edition of the EU SUMP Guidelines. They provide in-depth planning recommendations on crucial SUMP topics, provide guidance for specific contexts, and focus on important policy fields. CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project authored or co-authored several of the publications. One of them is the SUMP topic guide: Sustainable urban mobility planning in…
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
SUMP action plans help city planners set out how to implement their selected SUMP measures and packages. This report provides planners with the know-how necessary for developing such plans. The Standards for Developing a SUMP Action Plan has been developed by the CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project.
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
You would like to develop a SUMP, but don't know where to start? You would like to evaluate the status of mobility planning in your city and receive tailored feedback how to further improve? The SUMP Self-Assessment tool is particularly useful for local authorities who find themselves at the beginning of their SUMP process, as well as cities and regions who want to evaluate their planning status…
Type: Toolkit
Topic: Mobility
UBC TALKS webinar about Sustainable Urban mobility Planning was held on 25 February 2020. The webinar included presentations about the 2nd edition of the European SUMP guidelines, outcomes of the SUMPs-Up project as well as city examples.
Type: Video
Publication of the second edition of the European SUMP Guidelines marks an important milestone in the take-up of new planning approaches in Europe. This comprehensive revision aims to integrate the dynamic developments in many areas of urban mobility and the rich experience of implementing the concept of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning since 2013.
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
A series of fact sheets chronicling good practice examples of SUMP measures, instruments and planning procedures in SUMPs-Up’s seven partner cities are now available to read. They cover activities that have taken place in Birmingham (UK), Budapest (Hungary), Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain), Malmö (Sweden), Sofia (Bulgaria), Thessaloniki (Greece) and Turin (Italy). These good practices should…
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
The report on Lifelong Learning and Wastewater Treatment in the Baltic Sea Region describes the state of the art, opportunities and challenges in sustainable lifelong learning for wastewater treatment operators in the Baltic Sea Region.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
The Baltic Smart Water Hub is a platform for sharing experiences with the professionals of the water sector! Relevant departments of local authorities, water companies and water associations are encouraged to share their experiences regarding practical solutions to water-related challenges. Through this platform you can find best practices, solutions, tools and innovations related to the topics…
Type: Toolkit
Topic: Water
The publication Baltic Sea protection commitments introduces voluntary commitments implemented by the partners of the IWAMA project together with the Baltic Sea Challenge network to improve the state of the Baltic Sea. All commitments are described in this publication to inspire other organisations in the region to take proactive role in protecting the sensitive environment of the Baltic Sea.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Key figure data for energy benchmark of the wastewater treatment sector in the Baltic Sea Region.
Type: Publication
Topic: Energy, Water
Key figure data for sludge benchmark of the wastewater treatment sector in the Baltic Sea Region.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
The leaflet presents the focus areas and major activities planned in the IWAMA project.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Sustainable resource management for a healthy Baltic Sea is a synthesis report of the work done under Baltic Response project.  The report compiles together the knowledge of 15 expert organisations in the field of water protection and sustainable use of resources.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
This report is the final report of the INTERREG IVB project NEW BRIDGES ‘Strengthening the Quality of Life through the Improved Management of Urban Rural Interaction’. Approved under priority 4: ‘Attractive & competitive cities and regions’ the project received funding from the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013.  
Type: Publication
“Planning Together for Better Quality of Life – Guide for Integrated Management of Urban Rural Interaction” is one of the final outputs of the NEW BRIDGES project promoting a more integrated approach to regional planning. This guide functions as an inspiration to anyone interested in striving for a more open, inclusive and interactive planning culture.
Type: Publication
Suunnitteluyhteistyöllä kohti parempaa elämänlaatua -julkaisu on NEW BRIDGES -projektin lopputuotos. Projektissa kehitettiin keinoja entistä yhtenäisempään aluesuunnitteluun. Tästä oppaasta löytyy tietoa jokaiselle avoimemmasta, osallistavasta ja vuorovaikutteisesta suunnittelukulttuurista kiinnostuneelle. Opasta voidaan käyttää monella tapaa: kaupunkiseudullisen yhteistyön ohjenuorana, tuomaan…
Type: Publication
„Wspólne planowanie – lepsza jakość życia” to jeden z końcowych efektów realizacji projektu NEW BRIDGES promującego bardziej zintegrowane podejście do procesu planowania regionalnego. Celem niniejszego informatora jest dostarczenie inspiracji osobom, które za cel stawiają sobie stworzenie bardziej otwartej i interaktywnej kultury planowania o szerokim zasięgu. Informator może służyć jako źródło…
Type: Publication
„Gemeinsames Planen für mehr Lebensqualität“ ist eines der Ergebnisse des NEW BRIDGES-Projekts, mit dem ein umfassenderer Raumplanungsansatz gefördert wird. Dieser Leitfaden soll als Inspiration für all diejenigen dienen, die eine offenere und interaktivere Planungskultur anstreben, in die alle Betroffenen miteinbezogen werden.
Type: Publication
„Elukvaliteeti parandav ühine planeerimine” on terviklikumat piirkondlikku planeerimist edendava projekti NEW BRIDGES üks viimaseid väljundeid. Käsiraamat on mõeldud inspiratsiooniallikaks kõigile, kes on huvitatud avatuma, kaasavama ja interaktiivsema planeerimiskultuuri juurutamisest. Seda on võimalik kasutada mitmel moel. Selle abil võib alustada kogu linnapiirkonda hõlmavat koostööd ja…
Type: Publication
„Bendras planavimas siekiant geresnės gyvenimo kokybės“ – tai vienas iš galutinių projekto NEW BRIDGES, remiančio labiau integruotą požiūrį į regionų planavimą, rezultatų. Šio vadovo paskirtis – įkvėpti kiekvieną, norintį siekti atviresnės, labiau įtraukiančios ir interaktyvios planavimo kultūros. Jį galima naudoti įvairiai: kaip gidą siekiant miestų regionų bendradarbiavimo ir taikant gyvenimo…
Type: Publication
“Planera tillsammans för bättre livskvalitet” är en av slutprodukterna i projektet NEW BRIDGES som är avsett att främja en mer integrerad strategi för regional planering. Denna handledning är tänkt att fungera som en inspirationskälla för alla som är intresserade av att sträva mot en mer öppen, inkluderande och samverkande planeringskultur.
Type: Publication