
We assist local authorities in the Baltic Sea Region in initiating, applying and managing projects on different sustainability topics. The themes and actions are tailor-made based on the needs of the project partners from local authorities to assist the ongoing processes towards sustainable development. More information can be found on projects description pages below.

BSR InnoShip
BSR InnoShip

The BSR InnoShip was a Baltic Sea cooperation for reducing ship and port emissions through knowledge- & innovation-based competitiveness.

Green Citizens of Europe

New solutions to how environmental policy can be interpreted and implemented into concrete citizen-oriented actions, which motivate and help citizens to change their behavior.

NEAT 2.0
New Environmental Awareness Tools

The NEAT –project was further developing it with new attractive elements and increasing the use of the portal by adding new levels of communication with citizens.

Strengthening of Quality of Life through Improved Management of Urban Rural Interaction

Developing new approaches to the integrated management of urban rural interaction with a view to improving the quality of life across the BSR.

Project on Urban Reduction of Eutrophication

Tackling eutrophication by  investing in enhances phosphorus removal at selected municipal wastewater treatment plants in the Baltic Sea region.

Climate Change: Impacts, Costs and Adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region

Focusing on the most imminent problems that climate change is likely to cause in the Baltic Sea Region.

Local Climate Change Response

The CHAMP project (2009-2012) aimed at training and supporting local and subregional authorities in implementing an integrated management system for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to promoting the model European-wide.

WE Choose a Life
Youth against HIV/AIDS 2008-2010

Mobilizing youth commitment to combat rapidly growing HIV/AIDS epidemic in Russia.

Integrated Management System for Russian cities

MATRUSCHKA aimed at strengthening the capacity of local authorities and developing their city planning process. It contributed to the development of a solid foundation within local authorities upon which long-term planning decisions could be made to support sustainable development. Both EU and Russian cities either initiated or further elaborated their Integrated Management Systems around a chosen theme.

Integrated Solutions for the Sustainability Management in Baltic Cities

Establishing of Sustainable Management Centers and models for increasing cross-sectorial policy integration and efficiency of local authorities.

Towards Sustainable Urban Transport

The project provided guidelines, practical solutions and tools for European cities and municipalities to make Sustainable Urban Transport Plans.

New Hansa of Sustainable Ports and Cities
New Hansa of Sustainable Ports and Cities

A project of 18 ports, cities and other partners aiming for ecologically, socially and economically sustainable ports in the Baltic Sea region.