
Project summary list

The brochure shares DYN@MO cities’ practical experiences and knowledge gained in the conversion processes – from a hybrid to an electric bus in Aachen, from a diesel bus to a trolleybus in Gdynia and from a diesel bus to an electric bus in Koprivnica.
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
The involvement and participation of citizens and stakeholders in the sustainable urban mobility planning process is necessary in order to obtain public legitimacy and create a plan that satisfies the mobility needs of people. With the adoption of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), citizen participation methods have started to shift more towards online environments.
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
CIVITAS DYN@MO is an ambitious project bringing together four European cities that have agreed on a mission to strengthen sustainable mobility. DYN@MO is short for the project motto DYNamic citizens @ctive for sustainable MObility. The participating cities are Aachen (DE), Gdynia (PL), Palma de Mallorca (ES) and Koprivnica (HR).
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
In CH4LLENGE, nine European cities and eight supporting organisations have teamed up to tackle the four most pressing challenges in sustainable urban mobility planning. The CH4LLENGE leaflet presents the project aims, key activities and explains how you can benefit from CH4LLENGE.
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
Many European cities are facing challenges when it comes to setting up and implementing truly sustainable mobility policies and measures. The QUEST tool has been designed to help small and medium-sized cities to set up and further develop their sustainable mobility policies and actions with the assistance of an external expert (QUEST auditor). QUEST supports European cities in making real…
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
Många städer ställs inför utmaningar när det gäller att skapa attraktiva och hållbara städer med god tillgänglighet och hög tillväxt. QUEST hjälper små och medelstora städer att konkret förbättra sitt arbete med hållbara transporter och ta fram lösningar som bidrar till att uppfylla målen om hög livskvalité, minskad klimatpåverkan och effektiv markanvändning. QUEST-metoden har utvecklats inom…
Type: Publication
SmartComp – Smart Competitiveness for the Central Baltic region aimed to support smart, environmentally sustainable development, growth, competition and cooperation between maritime clusters, cities and universities in the Central Baltic region. Project's first research report studied how the maritime clusters in the region could improve their competitiveness, what are the key competences of the…
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility, Water
NordLead project aimed at mapping out the success factors and support needs in local climate work in the Nordic countries. NordLead aimed at strengthening the capacities of the Nordic municipalities to tackle the issue of climate change by mutual learning and developing new support structures. The main output of the project was the study report “Aspects of strategic climate work in Nordic…
Type: Publication
В рамках проекта PURE завершилась реализация инвестиций и оптимизация технологического процесса на очистных сооружениях предприятий-партнеров в Беларуси (г. Брест), Эстонии (г. Кохтла-Ярве), Латвии (г. Рига и г. Юрмала) и Польше (г. Щецин и г. Гданьск). Предприятия, добившиеся высоких результатов, поделились передовым опытом очистки сточных вод и обработки осадка (г. Любек, Германия) и управления…
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
In PURE project, partner waste water treatment plants have implemented investments and operational fine-tuning in Belarus (Brest), Estonia (Kohtla-Järve), Latvia (Riga and Jurmala) and Poland (Szczecin and Gdansk). The exemplary forerunners have provided benchmarking of advanced sewage and sludge treatment practices (Lübeck from Germany) and data management (Mariehamn from Finland). PURE aim is…
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Durch die kommunale Abwasserbehandlung wird eine große Menge Klärschlamm produziert. Zum Beispiel beträgt die Menge der im Ostseeeinzugsgebiet produzierten Klärschlämme ca. 3,5 Millionen Tonnen Trockensubstanz jährlich – wobei sich diese Zahl bis 2020 auf beinahe vier Millionen erhöhen soll. Jede moderne kommunale Kläranlage muss der Schlammbehandlung gebührend Rechnung tragen: Es ist wichtig zu…
Type: Publication
Efficient municipal waste water treatment produces vast amounts of sludge. For example, in the countries located wholly or partly on the Baltic Sea watershed the amount of sewage sludge generated is about 3.5 million tonnes of dry solids annually – this is expected to increase to almost four million tonnes by 2020. Sludge management is an integral part of any modern municipal waste water…
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Descriptions on National Legislation on Sludge Handling in the Baltic Sea Countries.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Skuteczne oczyszczanie ścieków komunalnych prowadzi do powstawania dużych ilości osadów ściekowych. Przykładowo w krajach w całości lub częściowo położonych w zlewisku Morza Bałtyckiego rocznie generuje się około 3,5 milionów ton suchej masy – przewiduje się, że do 2020 roku ta ilość wzrośnie do prawie czterech milionów ton.
Type: Publication
Efektīvas sadzīves notekūdeņu attīrīšanas rezultātā rodas ārkārtīgi daudz dūņu. Piemēram, valstīs, kas pilnībā vai daļēji atrodas Baltijas jūras ūdensšķirtnē, notekūdeņu dūņu apjoms ir apmēram 3,5 miljoni tonnu sausnas gadā, un sagaidāms, ka līdz 2020. gadam tas pieaugs līdz gandrīz četriem miljoniem tonnu. Dūņu apsaimniekošana ir neatņemama mūsdienu sadzīves notekūdeņu attīrīšanas iekārtu…
Type: Publication
При эффективной очистке городских сточных вод образуется большое количество осадка. В странах, частично или полностью находящихся на территории водосбора Балтийского моря, ежегодно образуется около 3,5 млн тонн сухого вещества осадка, и это количество, как ожидается, к 2020 г. увеличится почти до 4 млн тонн. Управление осадком сточных вод является неотъемлемой частью работы любых современных…
Type: Publication
Eutrophication suffocates the life in lakes and seas. Some of the sea beds in the Baltic are the largest dead areas in Europe.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Эвтрофикация – вредное, губительное для обитателей озер и морей явление. В результате эвтрофикации на дне водоемов образуются «мертвые» участки. Некоторые из участков морского дна Балтийского моря являются крупнейшими «мертвыми» зонами в Европе.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
The final report of BaltCICA displays the main activities achieved by transnational cooperation and learning as well as applications in case studies.
Type: Publication
This report is the final report of the INTERREG IVB project NEW BRIDGES ‘Strengthening the Quality of Life through the Improved Management of Urban Rural Interaction’. Approved under priority 4: ‘Attractive & competitive cities and regions’ the project received funding from the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013.  
Type: Publication
Use of Social media tools, when to use, what to consider in English and Russian
Type: Publication
Type: Publication