UBC TALKS about plastic plans for sustainable future
The UBC TALKS webinar on 28 November will focus on one of the most pressing challenges the cities are facing – the plastic pollution. We will discuss how forerunning BSR cities address sustainable plastic management in their strategies and action plans.
How to build fantastic city life while reducing plastic consumption, and how to incorporate sustainable plastic management into the cities’ strategies and action plans? The project BALTIPLAST addresses these questions through a comprehensive set of measures targeting municipalities and businesses, schools and households.
During the UBC TALKS webinar on 28 November, we will learn how to incorporate the plastics into the local level strategies and action plans. Three cities will help us in this, bringing different approaches to the discussion: Västerås, Helsinki and Tallinn! And the context and opportunities created by the BALTIPLAST project will be brought by the Lead Partner HAW Hamburg.
Agenda: UBC TALKS about plastic plans for sustainable future
Welcome to the webinar
Introduction to the topic and BALTIPLAST project aims
Andrea Dobri, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Västerås’ strategy for the sustainable use of plastics
Olof Bergold, Västerås municipality
Plastic pollution – curing the disease or the symptom?
Rasmus Boman, City of Helsinki
Public events and reusable dishes in Tallinn
Liina Kanarbik, City of Tallinn