
Project summary list

The EUCF info session in Finnish was organized in co-operation with FCG. The info session was recorded on 7.9.2022.
Type: Video
Topic: Energy
This webinar was held by EC Network in co-operation with UBC Sustainable Cities Commission 08.09.2022.
Type: Publication
Topic: Energy
The webinar was held 05.07.2022 by Ekodoma in cooperation with UBC SCC.
Type: Publication
Topic: Energy
The EUCF webinar in Danish was organized by EC Network in co-operation with the UBC Sustainable Cities Commission. The webinar was held 11.11.2021.
Type: Video
Topic: Energy
The EUCF webinar in Latvian was organized by Tartu Energy Agency in co-operation with the UBC Sustainable Cities Commission. The webinar was held 02.11.2021.
Type: Video
Topic: Energy
The EUCF webinar in Latvian was organized by Ekodoma in co-operation with the UBC Sustainable Cities Commission. The webinar was held 27.10.2021.
Type: Video
Topic: Energy
The EUCF webinar in Finnish was organized by Finnish Consulting Group in co-operation with the UBC Sustainable Cities Commission. The webinar was held 29.04.2021.
Type: Video
Topic: Energy
The EUCF webinar in Danish was organized by EC Network in co-operation with the UBC Sustainable Cities Commission. The webinar was held 22.04.2021.
Type: Video
Topic: Energy
The EUCF webinar in Latvian was organized by Ekodoma in co-operation with the UBC Sustainable Cities Commission. The webinar was held 04.03.2021.
Type: Video
Topic: Energy
This webinar was co-organized by the Finnish Consulting Group (FCG) and UBC Sustainable Cities Commission.
Type: Video
This webinar was co-organized by EUCF's Danish Country Expert EC Network and UBC Sustainable Cities Commission.
Type: Video
This webinar was co-organized by EUCF's Estonian Country Expert Tartu Energy Agency and UBC Sustainable Cities.
Type: Video
This is a webinar in Latvian about the European City Facility (EUCF). The webinar was moderated by Ekodoma, the Latvian Country expert in EUCF.
Type: Video
With Christmas nearing and temperatures below zero in many cities throughout the Baltic region, global warming may not come to mind as the most pressing issue. Some might even argue that it would be nice if the mercury would climb a couple of notches in the thermometer.
Type: Environmental Bulletin
In PURE project, partner waste water treatment plants have implemented investments and operational fine-tuning in Belarus (Brest), Estonia (Kohtla-Järve), Latvia (Riga and Jurmala) and Poland (Szczecin and Gdansk). The exemplary forerunners have provided benchmarking of advanced sewage and sludge treatment practices (Lübeck from Germany) and data management (Mariehamn from Finland). PURE aim is…
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Efficient municipal waste water treatment produces vast amounts of sludge. For example, in the countries located wholly or partly on the Baltic Sea watershed the amount of sewage sludge generated is about 3.5 million tonnes of dry solids annually – this is expected to increase to almost four million tonnes by 2020. Sludge management is an integral part of any modern municipal waste water…
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Descriptions on National Legislation on Sludge Handling in the Baltic Sea Countries.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Eutrophication suffocates the life in lakes and seas. Some of the sea beds in the Baltic are the largest dead areas in Europe.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
This report is the final report of the INTERREG IVB project NEW BRIDGES ‘Strengthening the Quality of Life through the Improved Management of Urban Rural Interaction’. Approved under priority 4: ‘Attractive & competitive cities and regions’ the project received funding from the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013.  
Type: Publication
“Planning Together for Better Quality of Life – Guide for Integrated Management of Urban Rural Interaction” is one of the final outputs of the NEW BRIDGES project promoting a more integrated approach to regional planning. This guide functions as an inspiration to anyone interested in striving for a more open, inclusive and interactive planning culture.
Type: Publication
Suunnitteluyhteistyöllä kohti parempaa elämänlaatua -julkaisu on NEW BRIDGES -projektin lopputuotos. Projektissa kehitettiin keinoja entistä yhtenäisempään aluesuunnitteluun. Tästä oppaasta löytyy tietoa jokaiselle avoimemmasta, osallistavasta ja vuorovaikutteisesta suunnittelukulttuurista kiinnostuneelle. Opasta voidaan käyttää monella tapaa: kaupunkiseudullisen yhteistyön ohjenuorana, tuomaan…
Type: Publication
„Wspólne planowanie – lepsza jakość życia” to jeden z końcowych efektów realizacji projektu NEW BRIDGES promującego bardziej zintegrowane podejście do procesu planowania regionalnego. Celem niniejszego informatora jest dostarczenie inspiracji osobom, które za cel stawiają sobie stworzenie bardziej otwartej i interaktywnej kultury planowania o szerokim zasięgu. Informator może służyć jako źródło…
Type: Publication
„Gemeinsames Planen für mehr Lebensqualität“ ist eines der Ergebnisse des NEW BRIDGES-Projekts, mit dem ein umfassenderer Raumplanungsansatz gefördert wird. Dieser Leitfaden soll als Inspiration für all diejenigen dienen, die eine offenere und interaktivere Planungskultur anstreben, in die alle Betroffenen miteinbezogen werden.
Type: Publication
„Elukvaliteeti parandav ühine planeerimine” on terviklikumat piirkondlikku planeerimist edendava projekti NEW BRIDGES üks viimaseid väljundeid. Käsiraamat on mõeldud inspiratsiooniallikaks kõigile, kes on huvitatud avatuma, kaasavama ja interaktiivsema planeerimiskultuuri juurutamisest. Seda on võimalik kasutada mitmel moel. Selle abil võib alustada kogu linnapiirkonda hõlmavat koostööd ja…
Type: Publication