Denmark Aarhus Guldborgsund Kolding Estonia Elva Haapsalu Pärnu Rakvere Tallinn Tartu Finland Espoo Helsinki Jyväskylä Kemi Kotka Lahti Mariehamn Pori Porvoo Turku Vaasa Germany Greifswald Hamburg Kiel Rostock Latvia Cēsis Jēkabpils Jelgava Liepāja Riga Valmiera Lithuania Gargždai Jonava Kaunas Klaipėda Palanga Panevėžys Rokiškis Tauragé Norway Arendal Kristiansand Poland Darłowo Elbląg Gdańsk Gdynia Koszalin Mielno Pruszcz Gdański Reda Rumia Sejny Słupsk Sopot Ustka Sweden Gävle Kalmar Karlskrona Luleå Malmö Örebro Region of Gotland Söderhamn Trelleborg Umeå Växjö Ukraine Chernihivka Kherson Khmelnytskyi Kramatorsk Pokrovsk Rivne region (partner) Rubizhne Vilnyansk Vyshhorod Zaporizhzhia Kaunas UBC member city since 1994 City web site City related news Local Governments Leading the change to tackle plastic waste in the Baltic Sea Region Co-developing PFAS risk assessment plans in Riga Interreg BSR project BALTIPLAST is proceeding with efforts in single use plastic waste prevention All city-related news City related events Symposium on Innovation in the Circularity of Plastic Materials (20 May 2025) 12th EUSBSR Annual Forum (27 September 2021) XV UBC General Conference in Kaunas (15 October 2019) Upcoming city-related events Projects Baltic Approaches to Handling Plastic Pollution under a Circular Economy Context Eliminating Micro-Pollutants from Effluents for Reuse Strategies Interactive Water Management All city-related projects Publications Baltic Cities Bulletin Spring 2024 IWAMA: Improving wastewater management in the Baltic Sea Region TBestC – Launch seminar 23-24 May 2003, Kaunas Summarising report All city-related publications Videos UBC ASKS Important sustainable development topics All city-related videos