
Project summary list

UBC SCC Secretariat has prepared the first Annual report summarising the activities of the Commission throughout the year 2022. It is the first report of its kind and will be further used to follow on the progress of the implementation of the UBC Sustainability Action Programme 2022–2030.
Type: Publication
The "Guidelines on integrated model for Water-Sludge-Energy cooperation" have been published in September 2021. The document was developed within the framework of the BSR WATER platform by the University of Tartu.
Type: Publication
The publication "Regional and national policy recommendations for implementing the integrated stormwater management in the Baltic Sea Region" was developed within the platform project BSR WATER. The report is prepared by the project partner Riga City Council, on the basis of surveys and interviews with 25 cities of the Baltic Sea Region and with support from BSR WATER partners.
Type: Publication
Many European cities are facing challenges when it comes to setting up and implementing truly sustainable mobility policies and measures. The QUEST tool has been designed to help small and medium-sized cities to set up and further develop their sustainable mobility policies and actions with the assistance of an external expert (QUEST auditor). QUEST supports European cities in making real…
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
Många städer ställs inför utmaningar när det gäller att skapa attraktiva och hållbara städer med god tillgänglighet och hög tillväxt. QUEST hjälper små och medelstora städer att konkret förbättra sitt arbete med hållbara transporter och ta fram lösningar som bidrar till att uppfylla målen om hög livskvalité, minskad klimatpåverkan och effektiv markanvändning. QUEST-metoden har utvecklats inom…
Type: Publication