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UBC members demonstrating dedication and commitment to CDP disclosure

The 2023 CDP disclosure period has marked a continued commitment to environmental transparency within the Union of the Baltic Cities. 14 cities stepped forward to publicly disclose their environmental data.

The annual CDP report for 2021 is finally here

The report of 2021 looks into another successful year of UBC-CDP cooperation, as we follow the paths of 21 UBC member cities to climate goals 2030.

7 UBC Member cities among 95 climate leaders on CDP 2021 A List

CDP’s A List cities in 2021 take bold leadership on environmental action and transparency, despite the continued pressures of tackling the coronavirus pandemic on local and national economies and societies.

UBC cities are ramping up their efforts on the way towards climate neutrality

In the meantime, despite the uncertainty brought by COVID-19, we cannot say enough how happy we are to see 23 UBC cities disclosing and staying committed to their climate change mitigation efforts. In 2020 we saw 3 newcomers (Bergen, Porvoo, Tallinn) whom we would like to congratulate joining the disclosure and climate action for the better future. The UBC cities disclosing their data in 2020 were,

UBC cities continue as climate smart forerunners

New report on UBC cities’ environmental data disclosure to CDP highlights increased interest in resilience and growing ambition in climate mitigation and adaptation among the cities.

UBC cities continue as transparent climate leaders in the Baltic Sea Region

Back in 2016, UBC and CDP agreed upon collaboration between the two organizations with the first cooperation activities taking place in spring 2017. As a result, UBC doubled the number of cities reporting to CDP from 6 to 20. This year, the number of the cities disclosing to CDP grew to 28 in despite of the busiest holiday season.

Implementing SDG and Agenda 2030 in Trelleborg

Sustainable Development Goals in the local aspect - example of Trelleborg.