Agenda: UBC TALKS 1-2023

The UBC TALKS webinar on 28 March 2023 focuses on the role of local authorities on the large macroregional arena


Opening of the webinar and introduction to the topic

UBC Sustainable Cities Commission will provide an introduction into the Baltic Sea Region cooperation across the local and regional levels


UBC talks with CBSS: local voices in regional policies

Dominik Littfass, Acting Senior Advisor for Regional Identity & Communications, Council of the Baltic Sea States


UBC talks with EUSBSR Baltic Sea Strategy Point: cities’ role in macroregional cooperation

Juhani Ailio, Project Manager, Baltic Sea Strategy Point for the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region


UBC talks with HELCOM: local actions for a healthy Baltic Sea

Lotta Ruokanen, Professional Secretary, HELCOM – Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission


Summary and common discussion, closing words