Q&A Live Session with CDP

Q&A Live Session with CDP

Do you have a question to pose to CDP regarding the environmental data disclosure, its benefits and global benchmarking? Is your city just starting out and you have something you would like to clear up before you can continue with the reporting or do you represent an A-lister city with a lot of experience in practice but would like to know something regarding the global scale?

We are doing something different – instead of a webinar, we will have a live Q&A to provide you with an opportunity to ask questions from both CDP and UBC. Keeping it short and sweet - you can join in anytime its convenient for you between 10:00-11:00 (Swedish time).

What is this Q&A Live about?

Étienne Métais from CDP and Kristiina Paju from UBC will answer your questions live and will also discuss a little about CDP’s latest report “Cities on route to 2030 – Building zero emissions, resilient planet for all”.

Join this Q&A Live on 10 June 2021 at 10-11 CET on the Microsoft Teams Live platform. The event does not require registration, you can use this link to join the online event.  Note that the event will be recorded!

Submit your questions via https://forms.office.com/r/64KNyKvsyv or by asking them live during the Q&A!


In order to reach one of the key objectives of the Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC) work which is helping to turn the Baltic cities into climate-smart global leaders, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between CDP and UBC in November 2016. UBC Sustainable Cities Commission has been coordinating the cooperation with CDP ever since.

CDP is interested in the climate leadership that is found in the Baltic region, wishes to gain new insights and to expand the coverage of their reporting system and UBC, on the other hand, has an extensive network of cities looking to take action against climate change. As a result of their co-operation, both organisations, therefore, stand to gain, making it possible to achieve results that they could not achieve on their own.

Find out more: https://www.ubc-sustainable.net/cooperation-cdp

Generic information

Submit your questions before the event