
Project summary list

The Baltic Smart Water Hub is a platform for sharing experiences with the professionals of the water sector! Relevant departments of local authorities, water companies and water associations are encouraged to share their experiences regarding practical solutions to water-related challenges. Through this platform you can find best practices, solutions, tools and innovations related to the topics…
Type: Toolkit
Topic: Water
The toolbox introduces the most commonly used approaches and concrete tools for urban stormwater management. The toolbox is especially aimed at landscape architects, architects, and urban planners and designers, including those interested in or working with the design, planning or management of urban water.
Type: Toolkit
Topic: Water
The Moment of Cities and Sustainability
Type: Environmental Bulletin
Topic: Energy, Water
With Christmas nearing and temperatures below zero in many cities throughout the Baltic region, global warming may not come to mind as the most pressing issue. Some might even argue that it would be nice if the mercury would climb a couple of notches in the thermometer.
Type: Environmental Bulletin