
Project summary list

CIVITAS ECCENTRIC's third brochures presents some of the measures that Turku, Ruse, Munich, Stockholm and Madrid have implemented in their Living Labs. 
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
CIVITAS ECCENTRIC's second brochures presents some of the measures that Turku, Ruse, Munich, Stockholm and Madrid have implemented during the first half of the project. 
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
CIVITAS ECCENTRIC's first brochure presents the project in a nutshell, a description of the living lab areas and contact information. 
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
PRESTO project improves quality of local waters and the Baltic Sea by reducing nutrient load through transnational investments, education and awareness rising.
Type: Video
Topic: Water
Policy framework dealing with eutropication, environmental consequences of nutrient discharges, and enchanced nutrient removal technologies described in PRESTO project brochure.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Рамочная концепция по эвтрофикации, влияние поступлений биогенных элементов на окружающую среду, а также технологии улучшенного удаления биогенных элементов описаны в брошюре проектп ПРЕСТО.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Эвтрофикация – вредное, губительное для обитателей озер и морей явление. В результате эвтрофикации на дне водоемов образуются «мертвые» участки. Некоторые из участков морского дна Балтийского моря являются крупнейшими «мертвыми» зонами в Европе.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
The New Hansa of Sustainable Ports and Cities was a joint project of 18 ports, cities and other partners from all sides of the Baltic Sea. The project aimed at ecologically, socially and economically sustainable ports in the Baltic Sea region. As a result of this successful project, a Memorandum of Understanding on Sustainable Port and Maritime Policy for the Baltic Sea Region was signed and…
Type: Publication