
Project summary list

PRESTO project improves quality of local waters and the Baltic Sea by reducing nutrient load through transnational investments, education and awareness rising.
Type: Video
Topic: Water
Policy framework dealing with eutropication, environmental consequences of nutrient discharges, and enchanced nutrient removal technologies described in PRESTO project brochure.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Рамочная концепция по эвтрофикации, влияние поступлений биогенных элементов на окружающую среду, а также технологии улучшенного удаления биогенных элементов описаны в брошюре проектп ПРЕСТО.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
BSR InnoShip project outputs and results are collected and published in the Pan-Baltic Manual of Best Practices on Clean Shipping and Port Operations. The Manual has been developed in the form of practical guidelines with recommendations to provide a basis for decision-makers, authorities and key marine stakeholders to enhance voluntary measures, innovative integrated efforts and policy-making to…
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility, Water