
Project summary list

PRESTO project improves quality of local waters and the Baltic Sea by reducing nutrient load through transnational investments, education and awareness rising.
Type: Video
Topic: Water
Policy framework dealing with eutropication, environmental consequences of nutrient discharges, and enchanced nutrient removal technologies described in PRESTO project brochure.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Рамочная концепция по эвтрофикации, влияние поступлений биогенных элементов на окружающую среду, а также технологии улучшенного удаления биогенных элементов описаны в брошюре проектп ПРЕСТО.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
BSR InnoShip project outputs and results are collected and published in the Pan-Baltic Manual of Best Practices on Clean Shipping and Port Operations. The Manual has been developed in the form of practical guidelines with recommendations to provide a basis for decision-makers, authorities and key marine stakeholders to enhance voluntary measures, innovative integrated efforts and policy-making to…
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility, Water
With Christmas nearing and temperatures below zero in many cities throughout the Baltic region, global warming may not come to mind as the most pressing issue. Some might even argue that it would be nice if the mercury would climb a couple of notches in the thermometer.
Type: Environmental Bulletin
Эвтрофикация – вредное, губительное для обитателей озер и морей явление. В результате эвтрофикации на дне водоемов образуются «мертвые» участки. Некоторые из участков морского дна Балтийского моря являются крупнейшими «мертвыми» зонами в Европе.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
The TBestC (Transferring Best Solutions between Towns and Cities) – project aims at transferring Good Practices between five city pairs in the Baltic Sea Region, through study visits and close co-operation between the cities. The project will be carried out during 2003-2004. The project cities are not appointed in before hand so the project started with the Launch seminar in Kaunas where 60 city…
Type: Publication