
Project summary list

Aiming to involve young generation in tackling the problems of the Baltic Sea, the Ministry of Environment of Finland, the Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of the City of St. Petersburg, City of Kotka, City of Turku, UBC Commission on Environment and VALONIA organized a Russian-Finnish comics competition for school students, "What can you do for the Baltic…
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Привлечение заинтересованных сторон к процессу принятия решений в городах помогает местным властям создавать атмосферу взаимного доверия между гражданами и политиками, что способствует большей прозрачности политических решений, повышает интерес к ним и их принятие.
Type: Publication
Stakeholder involvement processes need to be tailored according to the needs of the local authorities, yet consisting of good basic principles of participatory democracy. The process is transparent and inclusive. It supports the decision-making, offers feedback immediately and makes decisions more binding. The understanding of complicated issues and conflicting arguments increases. The overall…
Type: Publication
In the Union of the Baltic Cities, we have worked together for more than a decade now. During that time, the amount of our members has more than tripled: from 32 founding cities in 1991 to the current number of 101 member cities. There are good reasons for this great interest. One important factor is, that in our work practical cooperation aiming at mutual benefit has always been essential. We…
Type: Publication