The main goal of the Eltisplus project was to promote and enhance sustainable urban mobility across Europe. Eltisplus had a twofold objective:
- to maintain, improve and enhance the image, awareness, use and usefulness of ELTIS – the Europe’s largest portal on urban mobility aimed at individuals working in the field of transport. Eltis facilitates the exchange of information, knowledge and experiences in the area of urban mobility in Europe.
- to gain further awareness and acceptance of the concept Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) that is an EU promoted comprehensive approach to enhance transport planning processes on the local and regional level towards sustainable transport systems and mobility behavior.
Activities around the Eltis portal
- Development and improvement of the Eltis by adding new features and sections to the portal;
- Feeding the portal with the most recent news and case studies in the field of urban mobility;
- Awareness raising and promotion of the Eltis portal to a wider group of European transport professionals and other stakeholders.
Activities around the Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
- Development of the European SUMP portal which offers information and practical examples of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans;
- Provision and development of guidance and training materials for urban mobility professionals all over Europe for SUMPs including the European Guidelines – Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan;
- Awareness raising and promotion of the concept of SUMPs in order to accelerate the large scale take-up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans by local and regional authorities in Europe;
- Organisation of more than 40 awareness raising and technical training events on SUMPs in various countries in Europe.
During the Eltisplus project UBC EnvCom was responsible for the promotion of sustainable urban mobility planning in the Baltic Sea region and organising the Finnish Technical training event on SUMPs. To the Eltis portal UBC EnvCom brought the knowledge and good examples from the cities in the Baltic Sea Region.