Participate in CDP climate reporting!

CDP runs the world’s largest climate change reporting system, with more than 5 500 companies, 300 cities, and 60 states and regions reporting data annually. The UBC Sustainable Cities Commission encourages the member cities to take part in the reporting.

Cities are advised to use the CDP’s Online Response System (ORS). The system is open for cities' responses until 15th of May 2016.

Participating in CDP will provide value to your city in a number of ways: 

  • Demonstrate to companies, investors and other cities that you are leading on climate change 
  • Gather all of your environmental information in one place 
  • Gain insight from best practice cities across the world
  • Increase the profile of your city internationally and gain access to a global network
  • Track your city’s climate change progress annually
  • Receive insights and analysis, and benchmark your performance against peers

Further information about CDP for cities can be found here.

See also video that demonstrates what cities benefit from CDP reporting.