Voluntary Local Review as a catalyst for Sustainable Development

Voluntary Local Review as a catalyst for Sustainable Development

6 April 2022
Survey about VLR in cities
6 April 2022

There is a growing interest among local and regional authorities in using Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) as a process to track progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on sub-national levels. Global Challenge (Global Utmaning in Swedish) launches an investigation into the interests of- and conditions for a collaboration between the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Partnership stakeholders focusing on VLR as a catalyst for sustainable development.

UBC member cities are kindly invited to contribute to this investigation and partake in a survey, sharing the expertise and knowledge regarding local sustainability work. The survey provides a space for describing how well your organisation knows the SDGs and related VLR process as well as reflecting on the opportunities of a shared knowledge platform to support your local sustainability work. With this survey, Global Challenge would also like to identify stakeholders that would possibly be interested in participating in the Sustainability Lab.

Take part in the survey: https://globalut.typeform.com/to/eZ5epAjt

The survey should take no more than five minutes to complete. In the attached concept paper, you can find more details about the survey.