Multimodal Baltic Sea Region cities – learn a lesson from our 10 partner cities

Multimodal Baltic Sea Region cities – learn a lesson from our 10 partner cities

CMM project meeting

Making Baltic Sea Region cities multimodal – that was the overall aim of our project when we started in 2017, together with 10 cities and 6 expert partners, and what a journey it has been!

Our last year of implementation was of course overshadowed by the COVID pandemic and forced us to be very flexible and adaptive, but a 6 months prolongation helped us to implement almost everything that was planned initially. Now we are coming to a closure in March - time to reflect on what the project has brought to the cities and our region!

cities.multimodal aimed at facilitating change in cities – to create alternative, sustainable and multimodal mobility options for citizens to personal car use. We wanted to enable behavioral change, promote sustainable mobility, and make inner city areas more livable for the citizens.

The most concrete and visible measures were certainly the implementation of multimodal mobility points, where different modes of transport can be easily interchanged, accompanied by clear information and other services. Read for example about Riga’s first mobility point opening, which is a pilot for a whole network planned for the city, Kalmar’s bicycle garage at the railway station, providing safe and secure bike storage and services for commuters or Rostock’s first three mobility points that were piloted in the project.

Soft measures, like campaigns and mobility management activities accompanied the mobility points in the pilot area to advance sustainable mobility. Our partner cities worked with schools, kindergartens, companies and developers – all these methods and tools are now available in our just published Mobility Management Toolbox.

Making the city’s central areas more livable is not a task for a city administration alone  – co-creation and involvement of citizens is crucial to together develop ideas, activities and measures, so all cities tested new and innovative tools and methods to work with their citizens – get inspired by reading their tips and tricks!

Apart from the official outcomes, we are also very happy to see that sustainable mobility really seemed to have been lifted in many partner cities. New mobility departments are established, mobility director positions are created – these are not only a result of one project, but surely cities.multimodal has made its contribution to raise the topic on the local agenda.

We are looking forward to see where the multimodal mobility path will lead our cities and hope to keep on cooperating in the future!

All final results, publications and outcomes are available on and welcome to our 4th and final webinar on “Multimodality made visible – mobility points in Baltic Sea region cities” on 11 March 2021, 09.30 CET.


Contact at UBC SCC: Sini Lamoureux & Esther Kreutz