Guide published for urban brownfield redevelopment

Guide published for urban brownfield redevelopment

10 December 2018
10 December 2018

Baltic Urban Lab project has published a guide – Towards integrated and partnership-based planning of brownfields areas. The guide is targeted to urban planners and other experts interested to learn more how to develop  brownfield areas in cooperation with citizens, NGOs, land-owners, developers and other stakeholders.

The revitalisation of a brownfield is a complex pro­cess. It requires both dealing with the site’s past and planning for the future of the site. At the same time, it is necessary to manage and plan the transformation process and to find a common long-term vision in cooperation with stakeholders in terms of how the site should be developed. Fragmented land-ownership of the brownfield sites, the large amount of stakeholders having interested in the site and the lack of a common vision for development among the stakeholders does not facilitate the development process. In addition, due to possible contamination of soil, environmental and financial risks related to the development are high.

Close cooperation and partnerships between different actors from the beginning of the redevelopment process are key to tackling challenges.

Download your copy of the guidebook from the links provided (available in English, Swedish, Estonian, Latvian and Finnish).