Greifswald is a bicycle city and with a bicycle traffic share of approx. 40% leading in Germany. As a city, we want to promote a sustainable change in mobility, and the environmental association can and must be further strengthened.
In September 2019 we were able to start the first free cargo bike system in Greifswald with 3 bikes. The new offer was very well received right from the start, also because the loan process is very easy. Simply book on the website, pick up the bike and drive off. The bikes are located at 3 locations across the city, one centrally at the town hall at the city information.
A bicycle is used only for the transport of goods, one for the transport of children and the third bicycle has a child seat and can be used for the transport of goods. The free cargo bike system was realized as part of the EU project CoBiUM (Cargo bikes in urban mobility), in which the University of Greifswald and the city administration participate. Furthermore, we were able to win the local group of the General German Bicycle Club as a local partner (e.g. for repair service). It is now the goal that such a loan-winning system is available to the citizens and tourists in Greifswald even after the project has ended.
Dr. Kristin Ramthun, University of Greifswald
Dr. Stephan Braun, City of Greifswald