
Project summary list

The UBC TALKS webinar on 28 November 2023 focused on one of the most pressing challenges the cities are facing – the plastic pollution. The discussion on addressing it through the strategies and action plans took place in the framework of BALTIPLAST project, with HAW Hamburg introducing the plastic threat, and three cities - Västerås, Helsinki and Tallinn - sharing experiences from solving it!
Type: Video
Dear UBC colleagues, This autumn has been very active in terms of new openings and exchange with our member cities on the important topic of climate change, and we are very happy to share with you some of the latest news regarding our joint activities supporting cities climate actions! 
Type: eBulletin
Interview with Elina Rantanen, Deputy Mayor of Turku and 1st Vice-President of the Union of the Baltic Cities. Recorded at the UBC Planning & Sustainable Cities Commission meeting "Revitalizing urban space connected to the Sea" (13–15 September 2023 in Turku, Finland)
Type: Video
Dear UBC colleagues, Summer has finally arrived even in Turku, and everyone is busy to finalise tasks before the holidays start. We hope that you find a moment to read about what the UBC Sustainable Cities Commission has been up to in the past month and, more importantly, what is awaiting you and us after the summer break!
Type: eBulletin
The UBC TALKS webinar on 30 May 2023 focused on revitalising urban spaces from the holistic perspective of sustainable urban planning. This webinar was organised in connection with the UBC Planning & Sustainable Cities Commission meeting (13-15 September 2023 in Turku) to provide a basis and inspiration for the upcoming discussions.
Type: Video
Dear UBC colleagues, The first quarter of 2023 is almost over already, and we sincerely hope that you are all well and safe! Our year here at the UBC SCC Secretariat started with busy preparations for the 2nd call of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme in mid-March, where we succeeded to submit one proposal as a lead partner and two others as project partner, together with numerous UBC…
Type: eBulletin
UBC SCC Secretariat has prepared the first Annual report summarising the activities of the Commission throughout the year 2022. It is the first report of its kind and will be further used to follow on the progress of the implementation of the UBC Sustainability Action Programme 2022–2030.
Type: Publication
The UBC TALKS webinar on 28 March 2023 on the role of local authorities on the large macroregional arena – what regional organisations can do to support BSR cities on their paths to sustainability, regional cohesion, and climate neutrality.
Type: Video
Why is everyone talking about PFAS, and how to address the presence of hazardous substances in the environment? Dr. Ulrike Braun from German Environment Agency and Lotta Ruokanen from HELCOM - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission answer these questions, so you know more what to expect from the EMPEREST project!
Type: Video
Topic: Water
The purpose of the Union of the Baltic Cities Sustainability Action Programme 2016–2021 is to guide the whole network of the UBC towards development of a smart and sustainable Baltic Sea Region.
Type: Publication
Christmas greetings from Björn Grönholm and the SCC Team.
Type: eBulletin
The leaflet presents the focus areas and major activities planned in the IWAMA project.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Autumn greetings from Björn Grönholm
Type: eBulletin
Summer holiday greetings Dear UBC colleagues,
Type: eBulletin
This Working Paper "Public–Private–People Partnerships in Urban Planning" is one of the deliverables of the Baltic Urban Lab project (Central Baltic INTERREG), and it discusses the potentials and challenges in Public–private–people partnerships and presents examples of methods for partnership and participation.
Type: Publication
The Participation Kit is dedicated to providing practical advice underpinned by city examples on engaging citizens and stakeholders in the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) development process. It provides information on how to integrate participation into the transport planning process and prepare, manage and evaluate involvement activities. The Participation Kit consists of the following…
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
The Institutional Cooperation Kit supports mobility practitioners in improving geographic, political, administrative and interdepartmental cooperation in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) development and implementation. It provides practical advice on cooperation frameworks, managing SUMP partnerships and agreeing on responsibilities for SUMP delivery. The Institutional Cooperation Kit…
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
The Measure Selection Kit provides guidance on identifying the most appropriate packages of measures to meet a city’s policy objectives. It explores the current understanding of measure selection in transport planning and its challenges, and suggests practical approaches to tackling them. The Measure Selection Kit consists of the following components:
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
The Monitoring & Evaluation Kit has been designed to support mobility practitioners in assessing the impact of measures and evaluating the mobility planning process. It looks at designing the process of monitoring and evaluation, choosing suitable indicators and data and selecting the most appropriate data presentation, analysis and evaluation methods – all underpinned by city examples. It…
Type: Publication
Topic: Mobility
Spring and summer expectations – focus on positive next steps Dear UBC colleagues,
Type: eBulletin
DYN@MO promotional video "Your Choice/ Our future” provides a quick overview of the main accomplishments up to now of the DYN@MO project, comprising the cities of Aachen, Gdynia, Koprivnica and Palma de Mallorca. The video also highlights that new mobility planning and smart technologies create opportunities for changing mobility behaviour and creating a citizen friendly urban environment. Enjoy…
Type: Video
Topic: Mobility
The New Hansa of Sustainable Ports and Cities was a joint project of 18 ports, cities and other partners from all sides of the Baltic Sea. The project aimed at ecologically, socially and economically sustainable ports in the Baltic Sea region. As a result of this successful project, a Memorandum of Understanding on Sustainable Port and Maritime Policy for the Baltic Sea Region was signed and…
Type: Publication
Type: Environmental Bulletin