
Project summary list

PRESTO project improves quality of local waters and the Baltic Sea by reducing nutrient load through transnational investments, education and awareness rising.
Type: Video
Topic: Water
Policy framework dealing with eutropication, environmental consequences of nutrient discharges, and enchanced nutrient removal technologies described in PRESTO project brochure.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Рамочная концепция по эвтрофикации, влияние поступлений биогенных элементов на окружающую среду, а также технологии улучшенного удаления биогенных элементов описаны в брошюре проектп ПРЕСТО.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Эвтрофикация – вредное, губительное для обитателей озер и морей явление. В результате эвтрофикации на дне водоемов образуются «мертвые» участки. Некоторые из участков морского дна Балтийского моря являются крупнейшими «мертвыми» зонами в Европе.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Aiming to involve young generation in tackling the problems of the Baltic Sea, the Ministry of Environment of Finland, the Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of the City of St. Petersburg, City of Kotka, City of Turku, UBC Commission on Environment and VALONIA organized a Russian-Finnish comics competition for school students, "What can you do for the Baltic…
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
The Success Factors for Local Agenda 21 in the Baltic Sea Region is a publication of the Success Factors in Local Environmental Policy for Local Agenda 21 and EU Enlargement in the Baltic Sea Region.
Type: Publication
The Human Resources Review is the second publication of the Success Factors in Local Environmental Policy for Local Agenda 21 and EU Enlargement in the Baltic Sea Region Project (SUFA Project, 2000-2001), which is a common project of the UBC, ICLEI and Åbo Akademi University. In addition to the project partners, the project is co-funded by the European Commission DG Environment, Finnish Ministry…
Type: Publication