
Project summary list

UBC SCC Secretariat has prepared the first Annual report summarising the activities of the Commission throughout the year 2022. It is the first report of its kind and will be further used to follow on the progress of the implementation of the UBC Sustainability Action Programme 2022–2030.
Type: Publication
The report on Lifelong Learning and Wastewater Treatment in the Baltic Sea Region describes the state of the art, opportunities and challenges in sustainable lifelong learning for wastewater treatment operators in the Baltic Sea Region.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
The Baltic Smart Water Hub is a platform for sharing experiences with the professionals of the water sector! Relevant departments of local authorities, water companies and water associations are encouraged to share their experiences regarding practical solutions to water-related challenges. Through this platform you can find best practices, solutions, tools and innovations related to the topics…
Type: Toolkit
Topic: Water
The publication Baltic Sea protection commitments introduces voluntary commitments implemented by the partners of the IWAMA project together with the Baltic Sea Challenge network to improve the state of the Baltic Sea. All commitments are described in this publication to inspire other organisations in the region to take proactive role in protecting the sensitive environment of the Baltic Sea.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Key figure data for energy benchmark of the wastewater treatment sector in the Baltic Sea Region.
Type: Publication
Topic: Energy, Water
Key figure data for sludge benchmark of the wastewater treatment sector in the Baltic Sea Region.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
The leaflet presents the focus areas and major activities planned in the IWAMA project.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
With Christmas nearing and temperatures below zero in many cities throughout the Baltic region, global warming may not come to mind as the most pressing issue. Some might even argue that it would be nice if the mercury would climb a couple of notches in the thermometer.
Type: Environmental Bulletin
In PURE project, partner waste water treatment plants have implemented investments and operational fine-tuning in Belarus (Brest), Estonia (Kohtla-Järve), Latvia (Riga and Jurmala) and Poland (Szczecin and Gdansk). The exemplary forerunners have provided benchmarking of advanced sewage and sludge treatment practices (Lübeck from Germany) and data management (Mariehamn from Finland). PURE aim is…
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Efficient municipal waste water treatment produces vast amounts of sludge. For example, in the countries located wholly or partly on the Baltic Sea watershed the amount of sewage sludge generated is about 3.5 million tonnes of dry solids annually – this is expected to increase to almost four million tonnes by 2020. Sludge management is an integral part of any modern municipal waste water…
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Descriptions on National Legislation on Sludge Handling in the Baltic Sea Countries.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
Eutrophication suffocates the life in lakes and seas. Some of the sea beds in the Baltic are the largest dead areas in Europe.
Type: Publication
Topic: Water
The model of an Integrated Management System for local and regional sustainability facilitates a holistic management and the integration of different sectors which are prerequisites for sustainable cities. The whole online tool is available in English. It is also available in Italian, Finnish, Swedish, Hungarian and German. Introduction to IMS is also available in Spanish and Croatian.
Type: Toolkit
Type: Publication
The New Hansa of Sustainable Ports and Cities was a joint project of 18 ports, cities and other partners from all sides of the Baltic Sea. The project aimed at ecologically, socially and economically sustainable ports in the Baltic Sea region. As a result of this successful project, a Memorandum of Understanding on Sustainable Port and Maritime Policy for the Baltic Sea Region was signed and…
Type: Publication