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Who we are

The Union of the Baltic Cities is the leading network of cities in the Baltic Sea Region mobilizing the shared potential of its members. UBC operates in several Commissions working with various sides of cities’ life including culture, health, city planning, youth involvement. Ours is the Sustainable Cities Commission: we support the exchange of knowledge and experience in urban sustainability. The Sustainable Cities Commission is hosted by the City of Turku, Finland.

Our Commission coordinates the UBC Sustainability Action Programme, keeping it connected with the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. We also cooperate with CDP in engaging cities into climate disclosure. Closely working with our member cities, we manage development projects, organize trainings, provide consultations and altogether take an active part in the regional cooperation.

The UBC Sustainable Cities Commission is coordinated by three co-chairpersons together with the Head of the UBC SCC Secretariat and the Advisory Board. The work of UBC SCC is dependent on the interest and needs of UBC member cities.