The NEW BRIDGES online toolkit is a complimentary methodological package for the Planning together for Better Quality of Life –Guide for Integrated Management of Urban Rural Interaction. Available in EN, FI, SE, DE, LV, LT, EE, PL. (The toolkit has been archived)

The NEW BRIDGES Online toolkit is a series of practical advises on how to apply more integrated approach to planning:how to go through systematically different planning activities together in the city-regional context; how to involve individuals, private sector actors, politicians and other stakeholders into the planning process; how to increase the cooperation between urban and rural municipalities.

The Online toolkit has been developed in the framework of the NEW BRIDGES project – Strengthening of Quality of Life through Improved Management of Urban Rural Interaction. The toolkit is a complimentary methodological package for the Planning together for Better Quality of Life –Guide for Integrated Management of Urban Rural Interaction.

Screenshot of the website