MATRUSCHKA – final conference launches a “Engage yours stakeholders” - toolkit and Good Practice Database

MATRUSCHKA – final conference launches a “Engage yours stakeholders” - toolkit and Good Practice Database

18 March 2009
5 June 2017

The “Integrated managements system for Russian Cities - MATRUSCHKA“ project, 2007-2009 contributed to the development of a solid foundation within local authorities upon which long term planning decisions can be made to support sustainable development. Both Russian and EU cities/municipalities in the project consortium either initiated or further elaborated their Integrated Management Systems around a chosen theme.

The project enabled partners to address all dimensions of sustainable development by integrating participatory approach into planning processes. During the project the partners carried out a baseline review and target setting with increased stakeholder involvement. This developed the process of stakeholder involvement and revealed the necessity of capacity building among local authorities.

“Engage your stakeholders” - toolkit is a result of the project process. It is a comprehensive guide for the local authorities on how to include different stakeholders in the decision-making process. Using the toolkit, published in English and Russian, the cities/municipalities are able to increase the stability of their work for sustainable development. For getting your own copy – visit –

To enable further integration of sustainable actions, the project also provided a Database of good practices and tools in the Baltic Sea Region. The Database, in English and Russian, offers a unique platform for local authorities to benchmark and further develop their actions in the Baltic Sea Region.