Managing Quality of Life in the Context of Urban-Rural Interaction – Approaches from the Baltic Sea Region

This report is the final report of the INTERREG IVB project NEW BRIDGES ‘Strengthening the Quality of Life through the Improved Management of Urban Rural Interaction’. Approved under priority 4: ‘Attractive & competitive cities and regions’ the project received funding from the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013.
The NEW BRIDGES project ‘Strengthening the Quality of Life through the Improved Management of Urban Rural Interaction’ ran between 2009 and 2012 and involved local and regional authorities from across the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). The core intention of the project was to apply the concept of quality of life to regional planning and development, improve the management of urbanrural interaction and to implement pilot actions that would contribute to improving quality of life. Therefore the NEW BRIDGES project operationalised quality of life through three key elements (residential preferences, mobility and accessibility as well as the provision of services), followed an individual involvement approach and suggested the city-regional level as the geographic scope for all activities.

Authors: Stefanie Lange and Petri Kahila

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